Which classic rides could Indiana Beach get for Clementon Park?
We've heard the news that Gene Staples and his company have now also saved Clementon Park from closure and we know that they like to collect classic rides for Indiana Beach (e.g. Dreier Looping and the Polyp) so logic dictates that Clementon might be in for a similar future!
Now that they've got more space to play with let's speculate on what classic rides might be available to pick up for Clementon Park. Enthusiasts love a bit of speculation and there are lots of classic rides potentially up for sale at the moment so let's have a bit of fun!
Source: coasternation.com/Usedrides.com |
The elephant in the room, is the Schwarzkopf coaster Cascabel 2.0 that is rumoured to have been acquired by Indiana Beach alongside the purchase of Dreier Looping from La Feria de Chapultepec in Mexico. Whilst this coaster may have been destined for Indiana Beach, the park has limited locations for such a long and thin ride area and it seems that Clementon might have more space for it. This would also mean that both parks have signature classic steel coasters.
The ride was listed for sale on UsedRides.com and has since been removed. It has been taken apart in Mexico but has yet to resurface anywhere.
Another obvious choice for classic rides would be the rides that Kennywood closed recently. Whilst the Enterprise and Paratrooper might not be of interest, a rare Schwarzkopf Bayern Kurve and the one-of-a kind Kangaroo would be crowd-pleasing vintage flats to operate.
I've heard rumours that none of these rides were offered for sale but who knows.
Moving slightly further afield with this one is Movieland Park in Italy's Schwarzkopf City Jet that has been for sale for a while. Indiana Beach already has a Jet Star but perhaps this could work well as a sister ride at Clementon. It's a fun ride and definitely deserves a new home if Movieland are looking to part with it.
Source: Intermark Ride Group |
Source: Googlemaps (December 2020) |
There are a number of classic flats for sale currently including Eyerly Roll-o-planes, Rock-o-planes, a Loop-o-plane, Octopus and Spider, Huss Rainbow and Swingaround, Chance Skydiver and Zipper, Weber Dreamboat, Schwarzkopf Wildcat and Apollo, plus others that could compliment any classic park line-up. No doubt there is are probably a proportion of rides sold that are never listed online as well.
Conneaut Lake is also currently reviewing their ride line up to re-open and rumours are circulating that not all rides may make the cut, so Indiana Beach could potentially help out there too. Idlewild closed two ferris wheels at the end of 2020, including the Rainbow Wheel which opened in 1952 that may also be for sale.
What do you think Indiana Beach will do with Clementon Park? I for one, am really interested to find out!
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